Eternal New Marshall Bennett Gray Wash Set – 2 oz


Before creating this highly efficient gray wash set, Marshall Bennett began experimenting with our Motor City Blackbird ink. He suggested adopting the Blackbird pigment for his gray wash set, and together Eternal Ink and Marshall began reworking his set. The new gray wash set is divided into 4 stepped values of black: a 20%, 40%, 60%, and 80% value. With just 4 value steps and very distinct 20% value breaks, this is a highly efficient gray wash set.

SKU: 1ETStMB-02 Categories: , , ,


Eternal Inks | Use and Handling

Before using, tighten cap and shake the bottle vigorously for one minute after the mixing ball moves freely. Shake before each use. After use, close tightly and wipe the pouring tip with a clean cloth. Should the tattoo ink begin drying out or need thinning, Eternal Ink recommends using our product, Keep It Wet.


  • Each bottle of Eternal Ink is marked with an expiration date on the label.
  • It is recommended that the ink be used before that date.
  • Stored bottles should be shook every three months to ensure a consistent color match during active use.
  • Eternal Ink should be stored out of direct UV sunlight at a comfortable room temperature.
  • Do not freeze.
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Additional information

Weight 0.395 kg