Eternal Flesh to Death Weathered Leather – 1oz


Tattoo artist Rich Pineda packs his stunning portraits with the colorful warmth of life. Using a saturated palette of flesh hues, his dramatic approach to color and light pushes the boundaries of portrait realism. Pineda worked with Eternal Ink to create the ”Flesh to Death” signature series ink set. Together they created these 12 striking hues: the delicate, Fair Maiden, the nine tones of flesh from the lighter, Cream & Sugar, thru to saturated ”Renaissance” and ending with three deep, dark tones.

SKU: 1ETFDWL-01 Categories: , , ,


Eternal Inks | Use and Handling

Before using, tighten cap and shake the bottle vigorously for one minute after the mixing ball moves freely. Shake before each use. After use, close tightly and wipe the pouring tip with a clean cloth. Should the tattoo ink begin drying out or need thinning, Eternal Ink recommends using our product, Keep It Wet.


  • Each bottle of Eternal Ink is marked with an expiration date on the label.
  • It is recommended that the ink be used before that date.
  • Stored bottles should be shook every three months to ensure a consistent color match during active use.
  • Eternal Ink should be stored out of direct UV sunlight at a comfortable room temperature.
  • Do not freeze.
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